2002-12-29 � The mumbled entry
*Note: This entry is a compostition of the many entries I have attempted since Christmas. If it seems to skip from subject to subject, thats because it does and you just need to get over it.

Now, the entry.

First off, I would like to say that my family (meaning my dad and me) have finally joined the ranks of "Modern America" and we are now equipt with not one...but TWO dvd players. Since my dad is a saint, he got me my own flat screen tv and dvd player. Since my brother likes to show off, he got my dad a dvd player. Ta da. There is that story.

I must say, I've had a very "happening" last few days. My Christmas was differant but good, even though we didn't even START opening presents till 8 pm. I am very happy with what I got even though none of what I got is clothes....well, I only got pajamas.

But other then just Christmas, my days have been pretty packed. My mom's memorial was yesturday and it was beautiful. I was really happy to say that we could have easily formed a Kennedy student section in the pews seeing as how I had a lot of friends show up. It was so much better then the funeral. The funeral is all about black and dreary while this was a celebration of my mom's life and it really touched people. I would turn around and see people crying over my mom. Crying like I cried. And I'm her daughter! My sister wrote a gorgeous song that also seemed to be the main tear jerker. I was pretty good with not crying. I didn't want to cry, to be honest. I've had such a happy couple days and I didn't want to ruin that.

We took a picture of my mom on my baptisim day and blew it up. It's so nice to see how her face use to radiate. When we were putting the pictures together for the timeline, I would see a picture of my mom from a year ago and how I just wished I could touch her again and feel her holding me. I wished I could jump into that picture. I would look at things such as her hair and how it was postioned and I would envy that that hair was with her and I wasn't. I know it sounds goofy, but I am goofy.

Friday night I went sled riding with my friends, and it was the first time that we have all been together without it feeling weird. No one was comparing stories or talking about dorms or RAs. It was just us, in the snow, being together.

I have other things to say but my dad is hassling me.