2003-01-04 � The amazing entry....finally
I have been waiting a few days to have the inspiration to write this entry. Now that it's a snow covered morning and the house is empty, I finally feel like I can write.

Now I feel like I might have built this entry up too much, so don't be disappointed.

But I digress..

Some guy once said "Love is a many splendid thing" and I couldn't agree more. The only thing that gets me is that it happens everyday. People fall in love EVERY day. That doesn't boggle any of you? That something that can only be described as magic is so common that it happens to thousands of people around the world every single day. When you do fall in love, you feel so lucky. So lucky that this has happened to you. When really, you are part of a huge minority. Oh well...I still feel lucky.

I'm a differant girl now. I've started a new part of my life and every the air feels differant.

New Years Day, I spent the night at Jamie's. He picked me up from a party and brougt me back to his house. I walked in the door, greeted his mom and made my way up the stairs to his room as I usually do. I opened the door and saw the flicker of a few small candles scattered around his room. "Wait here" he told me and he went back downstairs.

The candles peppered the room with a warm glow and I don't know what it is about candles, but they make everything, even me, feel beautiful. He comes back up with a plate and two glasses of sparkling grape juice. (for real...it was sparkling grape juice). On the plates is my favorite dessert--tirimisu--which I found that he went to great lengths to get for me. I smile as he hands me a glass and a plate and we both sit indian style on his huge waterbed. After a few bites and sips, I slip between his blankets and try to absorb the heat from his mattress. He joins me after a few minutes and we are both lying on our sides facing eachother. The lights from the candles cast a soft shadow on his face and seemed to leak into each crevice and dimple. He kissed me on my head and pulled out a small black box. Even though I sensed it was coming, I couldn't help my heart beating faster. The next few moments were full of kisses and words and kisses inbetween words and finally ended up to me wearing a 1/2 carat dimond ring on my left hand.

Everything is so differant now. Good differant.

Everyone is pretty much happy. Even my dad, surprisingly.

I know most people think this is too soon. But like I said before, I don't believe love has a clock. If it did, it wouldn't really BE love, now would it?

The way I think of it is this:

I was with Brian for 2 whole YEARS and nothing fit like it fits with Jamie. We never had the connection Jamie and I have. I honestly feel completly comfortable with this. Also, it's not for 2 years anyway.

So thats my news.

I'm engaged.

I have a "fiance".

I'm all grown up.