2003-01-08 � Hot Jazz
Before I get to the main core of this entry, I would like to say I had a dream about John F Kennedy Jr. And OH was it a good dream. I was telling Anne about it.

Bl0ndyD0ll[12:04 PM]: And we were just all over eachother! And I just remember throughout the whole dreeam, I was looking for a camera b/c I didn't think you would believe me

JFKXXXX [12:04 PM]: Well, he is dead.

JFKXXXX[12:04 PM]: So I probably would have doubted you.

Ok so anyway, Anne and I went to go see a movie last night. Chicago to be more specific.

We've both been big fans of the Broadway musical for quite sometime so we were pretty excited to see the film rendition of it.



It completly captured me.

I have cleared the slot of "Favorite movie" and Chicago now has the title.

I got goosebumps through all the songs and I had to bite my lip to stop me from crying during "Cell Block Tango"....and not because it was sad.....because it was just so superbly done.

I became so jealous of the actors that they got to be in this production. I liked it more then the stage version because it wasn't ALL music. They put a lot of dialogue and plot structure to it. When I came home from it last night, I was in such a good mood. All I wanted to do was put on some fishnet stockings, put my Chicago CD in the stereo, and dance in front of the mirror. (Um...I did actually..)

And there are so many people in it! Catherine Zeta Jones, Renee Zellewegger, Richard Gere, Taye Diggs (who was also in RENT...aka: one of my #1 things), Lucy Lui, Queen Latifiah, Maya.....it was just....wonderful.....I can't stop talking about it.

But I will.

SO I think because I have so many differant movies that I adore, that it is only right to list them right here right now. To make an offical list. So here it is.

*My 2 All Time Favorie Movies*

1. Chicago

2. Snatch

*Close Seconds*

1. Life is Beautiful

2. Lord of the Rings

*Favorite Animated Movies*

1. Little Mermaid

2. Anastasia

3. Land Before Time

4. Lilo and Stitch

*Other Favorite Movies that Deserve Mentioning*

1. Amelie

2. The Sandlot

3. All About Eve

4. Zoolander

5. Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrells

6. Not Another Teen Movie.......

DAMN IT! I can't think .....well there is more.....but that is all I can think of. SO BE PREPARED!

P.S.--Apologies to Jessica Mitolo for seeing Chicago w/o her.....but no worries.....I want to see it again