2003-01-20 � Growl Growl Growl
I'm mad at Jamie.

And it's quite a thing when I'm mad at Jamie, because I never let myself get to this point. Whenever the first signs of me getting angry come about, I try my hardest to supress them and it usually works. So when I do let myself get mad, it's usually for a good reason.

From my point of view, anyway.

He just has such a knack for making me feel like an idiot. And it really bugs me that he doesn't seem to care. That he can just giggle and say "I'll talk to you later" then hang up the phone.

Word of Advice to all the guys out there: DON'T DO THAT!

How does he not see that the way he puts things are very offensive? Sometimes he just has no tact.

And do you know what's even worse then being angry? Having to fight off the urge to call him. I can't call him. I need to be strong for once. I always end up calling. It's so pathetic.

It helps too that I have stuff to do today so that it takes my mind off of calling Jamie.

Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiighhhhhh he IMed me.

Oh and I really like when certain friends change big plans without telling me.