2003-05-29 � The inevitable routine.
I have discovered that I have somewhat of a routine. SOMEWHAT.

Wake Up

Go to the bathroom

Get online

Turn on Lifetime

Watch the Golden Girls

Watch the Nanny

Watch Mad About you


Watch the Golden Girls again

By now it's 12:30. The time that I tell myself that I am gonna get up and get stuff done. But if you take the last...uh.....well.....WEEK as an example, you will find that 12:30 only marks the time of day where I don't have a clue what I'm gonna watch on tv. So then there I am boggling around with the remote trying to find something decent to watch, while I keep telling myself "only 1/2 an hour longer and then I'll get started." Well, 1 half an hour turns into at least 2 or 3 more hours and if it's a day in which I work, I'm all of a sudden smack dab in the hour in which I need to get ready therefore getting NOTHING done. If it's a day where I don't work, then by that time I'm ready to get out of the house so I call up Carla, Jamie, Juliann and Michael and leave to go shopping or something. Also getting nothing done.

Well, today is NOT gonna be that day again. I have 3 hours and 7 minutes before I have to go get ready for work. I will make this day different!