2003-06-26 � OBX Update
I'm taking a break from my vacation to update right now.

I'm in a small wood-boarded room in Jamie's brother Rod's house in Kill Devil Hills, NC. The sound of Jamie blending mud slides is invading the background. I had a big spider scare today while crabbing. I guess a spider was in the worse place it can be on a girl, her HAIR, and Jamie kept saying "it looked like a monster!" so RIGHT when I got home, I took off all my clothes and shaked them out and put on shorts and my Oliver tshirt, hoping that if that spider decided to camp out in any of my clothes (including my bra), I would have indefinatly rid him from my body. Now I feel all buggy. ::shivers:: ewwwwww

This vacation so far is beyond words. I haven't been so relaxed in my life. People get to LIVE like this. Go to the beach whenever they want and just chill in the sand. Everyone is so stress-free it seems. I'm surprised anything ever gets done around here with the relaxing, motivation-absorbing atmosphere. I know *I* haven't felt like doing anything at all strenuous since I've been here. Hell, it took me 5 minutes to convince me to roll over when I was laying out on the beach yesterday and I've only been here for 4 days!

Today we went to the aquarium and crabbing. The aquarium was pretty cool but I really liked crabbing. I'm not too sure why, considering we caught only one little crab, but it was so fun. I love crabs. I think they are so funny looking. Everything they do is hilarious. They get so pissed at anything and raise their little crab arms and are like "rah! I can pinch you with these suckers!" and we, being tall big bad humans, just tower over them thinking "Pssshhh yeah..." They are just SO pathetic! It's hilarious! They are definatly the clows of the sea.

Jamie and I have grown so much closer then I thought we could on this trip. I don't even think about us having seperate lives and identities...we seem to blend into eachother to make one life. Thats mostly good...I mean, I don't want to feel like I'm losing who I am but this trip taught me that we can blend but still be individuals. As ironic as that sounds. It is just so obvious now that we can spend the rest of our lives together. We can do it. I'm just really happy with us right now. I think this vacation has really done a lot for our relationship. We were going through some rough spots before, and I think this showed us how much we have to fight for.

Well, I think I'm gonna go chill with my mudslide on the couch before we go out again.