July 11, 2004 � Guilty Pleasures List
Today's a better day. Not back to normal, but...what is normal?

My brother left today :-( SO sad. I wish I could say I had a nice visit, but I didn't have much of one cause I didn't spend a whole lot of time with him. But, the time I DID have was very nice. I don't know the next time I'll see him.

I decided (decided? no...not decided. discovered) that I have a lot of guilty pleasures. Little things that give me bite sized happiness.


*Why? WHY not? I actually have NO idea why I find him so interesting but I do. Nowadays, it seems like the answer to all my problems is to write to the Dr.Phil show. So, if I'm pissed at you, don't be surprised if you hear from his producers to come on the show with me.


*Again, no clear idea why I like him. He's very sincere and his show isn't all like "Who my baby daddy?"ish.


*Lots of laughs and good times come as a result of this, so WHY not. Too bad its not good for breastfeeding mothers. DAMN IT! 8 more months!

4.Re-living old school stories from JFK.

*It just connects me to my old self and makes me feel funny

5.Telling myself jokes or re-living funny stuff I've done in the past

*Because, no one can make me laugh like I can

6. Having Hilary Duff call people

*If she's called you already, you know what I'm talking about.

7. Attempting to eat right and excercise

*I just get a kick out of it in foresight


*I just like feeling pretty

Well, I can only rack up 8 right now...I guess I'm off to make Pan-Grilled Swordfish steaks with capers and cous cous