March 04, 2005 � What a waste of an entry
I am looking at my rug and I do not know how it gets all those creases in it. I mean, its a big area rug! How does it fold up like that all the time? It bugs the crap outta me!

For some ODD reason, I am watching "Out of the Box" on Playhouse Idsney. Marci isn't watching it. She is too busy trying to harass the cat (I say trying b/c in the end, the cat just ends up biting her...not that she minds) Ok so let me explain this show to you. This Asian chick and this black guy (with awesome dreads) have this clubhouse in the neighborhood and all the neighborhood kids come there to learn lessons and make crafts. And they sing random songs. You see, this show could never exist in real life b/c why don't these adults have JOBS?? How can they afford to have this big clubhouse when they don't even have a job?? Unless they are like...inherited money and they are teaching kids that they don't have to WORK for a living! I think they should make a show called "Grown-up's Jobs" where they teach kids the values of money and hard work so we don't have any more lazy goverment-cheese milking adults in the future. Yeah...THAT would be a GREAT show. ALSO, these kids are just too nice. Have you ever met REAL kids?? They aren't this nice. And I just can't STAND the cheesy laughter. You'd think after all these complaints that I would stop watching this...but I'm not.

Yesterday I got to spend a good chunk of time with Emily and Gilmore. We went to Bw3's and too the mall, and laughed about old times and new stuff too. Yeah....thats about it....I had fun.....nothing much more to say.....

Ok I don't know where this entry is going......