July 03, 2005 � First update from the new room
Pete demanded an update, so I am giving him an update. (P.S-I miss Pete. I think we should see eachother soon)

So, 508 is gone. Driving away from it for the last time really felt like something died. But, I know its for the best. As much as I adored my little apartment, we had no money and rarely paid all of our bills on time. Now, we'll have some extra funds to put away and actually be able to spend some on ourselves. But it still really hurts. It hurts more then I thought it would.

"The end justifies the pain it took to get here"~Relient K

In other news, its not as bad at Jamie's mom's as I thought it would be. Granted, I haven't spent an enormous amount of time here yet, but I think I'm settling with the idea of living here.

Also, I have no friends. Well, I do, but they aren't around. Rose and Jasmine are both on vacation for like 10 days, Emily didn't call me back last night, and Frank....well.....what can I say about that. So, I have nothing to do on the 4th of July with Jamie and my friends. Maybe, someone will read this entry and think "Awww...I miss Katie" and invite me out. ::Sigh:: I can only hope.

Well, work calls in about an hour so I best go and get ready.