September 29, 2005 � My mouth tastes like chicken patty
Yeah, I'm in school right now. Listening to my ipod in my WAY too- dirty-to-wear-but-I'm-wearing-it- anyway hoodie. It was just one of those mornings. I took a Geography test this morning that I didn't study for. Those are always fun. SYKE! But actually,if you think really hard about the questions, they are pretty easy to figure out.

WOW. I really look like shit today.

So here is my story for the day:
Ok, so I smoked a LITTLE before school, and I was running late already so I grab all my books AND Marci, put the books on the top of the car, strap Marci in, and then we drive away. WAIT!! I left the books on top of the car and they are scattered ALL over the place for a block! So we had to drive all around just to gather all my books and I was late for my test. And then, when I get into the class room, for some reason I just stood there like a statue. I don't know what I was waiting for. But I just stood there. And then I decided that to sit down so I go in between all the other seats with my whispered "excuse me"s and "sorry"s just to hear him say "Um, aren't you going to get your test sheet?" So I had to walk ALL the way back and................this story is going nowhere.

I don't think it is a good idea to listen to my ipod out of the safety of my home. The music confuses my surroundings and I don't realize that just randomly burting out into spontaneous lyrics is very odd since no one else can hear what I'm hearing. This goes for dancing too. I'm 2 for 2.

So, Frank doesn't work at Damon's anymore. For the most part, I'm ok with it. Considering he knows how to push my buttons and make me more mad than ANYONE ever. But then again, I'm a little sad about it because after our friendship fell apart, it was the only place we saw eachother. I mean, he never goes out when I want him too so I'm pretty sure I'm hardly ever going to see him. Maybe that is a good thing though, considering how I totally embarassed myself in front of him and his new girl last Saturday. Yeah. That was horrible.


"I'll keep you my dirty little secret. Don't tell anyone or you'll be just another regret."

Ok. This is enough crazy for today.