January 23, 2005 � Lame excuse for an entry
I'm sitting here at my sister Tia's while Marci hits me on the back repeatedly with her bottle. Whatever keeps her from putting her hands in the toilet.

I'm really fed up with how I dress. I try to be punk/glam, but I just need to face the fact that not all my clothes fall under that category and the only way they will is if I get all new clothes. What the hey? I obsess about style too often. Seriously. I lose sleep at night. It would be funnier if it wasn't true.

So, this couple comes into Damons and I greet them and they say "You greet us like you know us!" And I should of stopped right there and just smiled. But instead, I decided it was a good idea to say "I do know you! I've been stalking you for 3 months now!" Too bad they didn't think it was as funny as I did.

My nephew Michael is a drip. Yeah a DRIP. No one uses that word anymore, I know, but I feel like it is appropriate in this instance.He never wants to hang out anymore. He goes off on these adventures and never asks me to go anymore. We used to have tons of adventures! Like trying to pass a parking token off as a quarter together.

Well, this entry is really not going anywhere no matter how hard I try. Myswell stop kidding myself. More later.