October 15, 2005 � "Wanna roll?" "No thanks" "Your boring"
You know whats always a good time? Feeling like you drank 40 drinks, when really, you only drank one...and you didn't even drink it all. I was up until 7 am because I was so sick. I'm on 2 hours of sleep now and still feeling like absolute shit. I really wish today wasn't so beautiful so I didn't feel so bad about wasting it.

There has been so much that has changed since I was in highschool. Besides the obvious (that whole married with a baby thing), a lot of other, smaller things are different.

For example:

In the world I live in now, I can tell you who sells the best coke, what purple footballs are, you can trade pills for work, I get offered X at bars, and I don't know a whole lot of people that don't smoke pot...or at least tried it. In my highschool world, these things were very alien to me. I don't know if I grew up very sheltered, or what, but its a very strange, these new surroundings. And they aren't bad or trashy people. They are normal, everyday 20 somethings (sometimes older) and its everywhere. I hear people talking about it at school, at work, everywhere. Drugs no longer seem so foreign to me. They are an every day occurance that people don't take very seriously anymore, which is kind of sad.

Sometimes, I'm just in awe at how much my life and what I know about the world has changed.