December 16, 2005 � 5 Things you MIGHT not know
Before I go into the disease that Jane gave me, I would like to say that there is scrambled eggs and toast all over my bed. This Ba right here thought that her chair nor her plate wasn't fitting for eating her breakfast so she dumped it all over the bed and now she's eating it.

5 Little Known Facts about Katie

1. When I was 17, I had heart surgery. You see,everyone has a hole in their heart when they are born, and usually, this hole closes up on its own. Well, mine didn't. It was an expierimental surgery. They took this thing that reminded me of a finger trap and put it into a vein in my thigh and it went up into my heart. It was 4 days before my junior homecoming. I went in a fluffy mint dress (it was really hideous now that I think about it) and I was hobbling around all over the place. Not the best time.

2. I really love to cook. I get excited going into a grocery store...I see ingredients and new recipes everywhere. True, I am a very messy and clumsy cook, but everything I matter how I fumbled around trying to make it...comes out really good. I've even invented a couple of dishes. Jamie loves my cooking and its one of the things I am looking forward to most about my apartment.

3. I won a beauty/talent pagent. ::Sigh:: I know. I know. I'm just TOO cool. It was the Miss Italian pagent and I sang "Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend" and completly winged a speech and the audience and judges LOVED me. I'm really an amazing performer. The stage is my favorite high.

4. I'm the meanest sleeper ever. Jamie complains about it all the time. If you try to wake me up, I get really nasty. I am the most selfish and unthoughtful when I'm half asleep. For instance, last night, my beautiful little girl was up until 3 am. Well, I fell asleep while she was playing at 1 am. When she still wasn't asleep by 2 and Jamie was exhausted, he tried to wake me up to have me help her go to sleep and to find her pacifier. I just laid there and pretended I didn't hear him. He even shook me and I just grunted. He kept begging me and begging me, and when I wouldn't budge, he called me selfish and unthoughtful (see! I told you.) But, it just rolled off my back at the time b/c he could call me whatever he wanted, but I'm still going to sleep. He can be angry, but at least I'll get to sleep. It's like I'm a different person! A sleep junki.

5. I used to be a ::gulp:: slut. My senior year in highschool, I used to think that the way to be popular and have friends was to fool around with as many guys as possible. And I was damn good at it. I never met a guy I couldn't get. Even though I had one already--Brian. My first real boyfriend. I can't even count how many times I cheated on him, I was so bad. But being bad used to make me feel good. Feel like a seductress. A temptress. Sexy. I basked in gossip about me from the weekend before. I used to be so excited to go to school after one of my esapades that always made headlines. I was pretty popular, but, in the end, it was because I was well liked...not because I was good in bed.

And thats all I guess. 1 DAY UNTIL CRANBERRY LANE!!!