January 02, 2006 � 2 Years of the Little Cutshaws
Before I go about my normal entry, here are some Christmas pictures!

Here is Marci applauding with all of us. It was so hilarious.

Here is my Marciba with my neices Julia and Jayna. The Ba is so attached to Julia. She threw a tantrum and kicked Jamie when we tried to take her away.

These are the exchange students, Juan and Gi! Can you guess which one is from Korea?

Jamie and I at the restaurant. Not my best side. I look very concerned about something, but I can't remember what


Anyway, today is Jamie's and my 2nd wedding anniversary. So much has happened already in our little marriage. While other people are pondering over the last year, I'm pondering over the last two.

So far, in the two years Jamie and I have been married:
~We've traveled to Mexico
~We moved three times
~My brother killed himself
~We've gotten a new neice (Ava) and a new nephew (Luke)
~We welcomed Marcelene Alice into our world
~I was unfaithful
~I got into drugs
~We've almost seperated on three different occasions.
~He's given me a second chance on three different occasions.
~We got a dog.
~We sold the dog.
~We've had three jobs
~We made countless trips across state.
~We've laughed, we've cried, we've screamed, we've hugged.

Thats a lot in two years. I am kind of hoping that the next two years aren't as action packed.

Well, Maggie is on her way over! I'll update again later!