June 09, 2006 � Ho Hum
I have been MIA for a bit. I wish I could say its because I've been doing something exciting, but we all know THATS not true.

Things that have happened since I last wrote:

~Gi and Juan, the exchange students, went back to their designated countries. Well, actually, Juan is going to college in Florida.

~Marci and I made pizza together yesterday. She stood on a chair and helped me spread the sauce and put on cheese. It was SO cute!

~My boobs are EXTREMELY huge and I think I'm a borderline D now. Sometimes, when I'm on the computer, I have to hold them up with one hand and type with the other b/c the weight on my ribs is horrible! Do you know what its like to go from an A to a D in a matter of months NATURALLY??

~Jamie and I got into a blow out fight the other day and he called me a "coked out whore". BUT, we sat down, and talked it out and now we are wonderful again.


Ok anyway, I'm here to write about my Dad. Things have gone from bad to worse with no real hope of anything getting any better in the future.

To start off, let me tell you a little bit about him. I am the only sibling to know him sober. He was a raging alcoholic until 1975 and I've always known him as very involved with AA and whatnot. He has not touched a drop of alcohol since then and has been very adament on his dedication. He's also become a sponser to a lot of people and has been up on the phone for hours talking to them sometime and he goes to AA meetings once a week. So, I guess I'm trying to say is that he's a really dedicated ex-alcoholic.

Ok, so lately, there has been three big things happening with him and Joy.

1.) We found out she's pro-choice. No offense to anyone who is pro-choice, but that is just a big deal in our family and it proves that he has lowered his principles b/c he is a huge pro-lifer. This is the littlest one.

2.) He isn't going to my neice's graduation party. This is a huge deal. My neice Anna and him have always had a special relationship. She's his first granddaughter, and next to her wedding, this is one of the biggest events for her. So, to have him not be there is a terrible. But, the reason for him not being there is what makes it even worse. Joy wants to get away for a weekend b/c she's "overwhelmed with our family". They could go any other weekend, but she picked that one. My sister Tia even wrote her an email telling her how important it was for my Dad to be there and to please not do this. She never wrote back. Our whole family is really upset. Especially my neice. She said she doesn't think she can ever forgive him and she'll hold resentment towards him forever. I don't blame her.

And the biggest one is:

3.)My Dad has started drinking again with Joy. He told me very casually about having "a couple drinks" at dinner the other night. He had a glass of wine and Joy has a strawberry daquiri. Talking about it like it was no big deal, which makes me think that this isn't the first time. This is catastrophic for our family. And it proves how bad she is for him. He hasn't touched a drop in 31 years.

So, I don't know what to do. Our whole family doesn't know what to do. I tried to like her. I really really did. But, with all this, how can I? I just hope he doesn't make a big mistake and actually marries her.