August 03, 2007 � Damn you Thomas!
I am quickly becoming a raging fan of green tea. I always doubted the caffenie effects of tea, but a cup a day gives me the energy I need not to be a total slob.

With that said, I would like to profess that today is the 8th day in a row in which I have kept my house clean. I will admit that my bathroom needs attending to, but its 10:25 in the morning. Give me a break. Seriously.

I wish I had tales to tell of romance and adventure and mind bending drama, but I really don't at all. Not even a little big. I went to visit my sister in Columbus last week and it was a nice getaway. Not that we left the house, hardly, but it was nice to spend time with her and the kids. The girls had a blast there, even if my nephew Jake and Marci fought every two minutes. I have never heard Marci fight with anyone before but they were yelling in eachothers' faces and then he'd start wailing on her! I was getting so sick of breaking them up. I was a little irritated that we didn't really go anywhere. I mean, I sit inside a house all day, I don't want my somewhat-vacation to be spent sitting in a house too. To be honest, it is a chore to go anyhere with six kids so thats why I didnt press the subject.

Jamie and I have been Harry Potter maniacs lately. We went to the midnight showing (the first official showing) of the fifth movie, dressed in our Harry Potter wear, and then we went to the book store at midnight to get the seventh book and Jamie read it in twenty four hours. He even took off work to do it! It is sort of bittersweet that we finished it so fast. Now its over! I cried at the end :-( Oh why do I love Harry Potter so?

The girls have been very good. I am going to (try) to update their diary today so check into to see if I actually follow through with that. The baby is amazing and I am actually starting to think she may be gifted. She won't be nine months until the 10th and she can put all the right shapes in her shape sorter. AND she has started pointing to things she wants. She just has so much personality and is so active! And boy, does she love her mama! There is something sweetly satisfying about knowing you are everything to one little person.

Marci is good as well. She is officially potty trained and I can't believe how easy it was! I didnt even do anything! She is SO proud of herself and I'm proud of her too. I was worried she wouldn't be ready in time for school. Right now she is watching Thomas--which I can't stand. The other day she asked "Can I watch Thomas?" and I said "Thomas is DEAD!" Aren't I a warm and loving mother?

So how have I been? I've been....good actually. The dots were me thinking if I've actually been good and then I decided that yes, I have been good. Despite money troubles and being cooped up in the apartment, I've been happy. All I need is Jamie and my girls to be happy. I have learned to stop letting other people make me feel sad or rejected because my family is the only thing that matters in the end. They are the only people I can't afford to lose. And I understand now that it is hard to keep friendships strong once you are married and have children. Its no one's fault. I am just going to go with the flow of my present friendships. See them when I can and have fun and enjoy them when I do and not stress when too much time passes with no contact. They won't understand where I am in life until they are here too, and I can't do the things they can do anymore. I am not saying I am giving up my friends--I have wonderful friends. I am just going to relax a little more in regards to the friendships I have outside my family.

I got dropped from a writing project after working on it for two months. To be honest, I am a little relieved b/c it was my only project and after it I was done I was going to stop and work on getting my own stuff published. Not to mention I was really stressed with it. But I'm not going to lie and say I don't care. I would like to think it was artistic differences and I stand by my work. I didn't agree with some of their ideas and I can't write well if I'm not passionate about it. Oh well. I still get paid

Don't you love my long drawn out entries?