January 01, 2008 � Lists
I am really not sure if I should be writing here right now considering the state my apartment is in...


here I am :-)

Ok it would take too long to write everything that has happened in the past month so I will do the:

1.) Siblings and Dad fight. Dad writes cold email to siblings accusing them of manipulation for exclusion. Katie writes Dad personal, intimate email. Joy takes email and after every sentence, puts her own criticisms in red font and sends to Katie. Katie gets pissed. Katie writes Joy email calling her out on her bitchocity (I just made up that word). For some reason, Joy loves it. Katie, Dad, and Joy get along again. The End.

2.) We took the girls again to Kraynaks Christmas Land. It wasn't as "magically Christmas" as I remember from last year, but it was still fun. Squish loved every exhibit and it was hard to pull her away from each one. We are starting to make this a family tradition and that is always nice.

3.) Me and Marci went to see Disney Princesses on Ice and.it.was.spectacular! I walked into the doors and just saw a mess of pink, little girls in big ball gowns, princess crowns, sparkles and glitter and I burst into tears. It was the physical definition of what having a little girl is all about! I dressed Marci up to the nines. Dress, ribbons in her hair, mascara, and a fur coat. She looked SO incredibly beautiful! Tia watched Squish so Marci and I could have this time alone and I am SO happy we did it. The show was amazing too, but I think Marci was a little scared of the loud noises and special effects. I also ate my first 10$ snowcone and 7$ cotton candy!

4.)On Christmas Eve, I went with my Brother-in-Law and piano prodigy, Todd to the Kennedys of Warren Ohio's house to sing Christmas carols for their Christmas party. They are the Cafaros and own a lot of our area. The house was beautiful but I couldn't imagine anyone living there. It was very museumesque and cold. I was so nervous about this event because whenever I put myself out there in something like singing or art or acting, I am so self conscience about how people will respond. Criticism in those areas for me are extremely sensitive so I didn't really think I was good enough. But it was fun and I'll do it next year and it paid 125$ an hour so yeah..of course I'll do it next year!

5.) Christmas was very pleasant. Which is the exact thing I said last year. We had a really great morning just us and the girls and they loved all their presents but what I was happiest about was how much more Marci loved GIVING presents. She drew a picture for Jamie and we framed it and I wrapped it and she was elated to present it to him. All throughout the day, with each new wave of family members, she played Santa with a sparkling smile on her face as each person opened their gift. I teared up as I watched her. Squish liked her presents but, as always, she seemed more interested in what Marci was playing with. I break up so many fights a day involving Squishy interfering in whatever game Marci is playing. We brought Jamie's mom over for an hour and at first, I was so sad because everything was going so nice and I was wondering why she couldn't come to Todd's for dinner. And then she asked me "Katie, did you have sex with your Dad?" and I knew that she is beyond the point where she can be trusted in a public place for very long...and that to me is sad as well. Sad for Jamie and his family that their mom can't be as involved in holidays and special occasions anymore.

Alright well Oobi is over which means Squishy wants my attention but before I go, I would like to write down my New Years resolutions so you can help me keep on track!

1.) I want to get the girls on a schedule. Marci's bedtime "routine" is ridiculas and her BEDTIME is ridiculas and I need a time I can count on for them to be in bed so I can have some time for myself AND for my husband.

2.) I want to learn how to put Squishy DOWN when she naps. I could get so much done for the two hours she sleeps but instead I am stuck on the couch holding her.

3.) I want to be MORE ORGANIZED! And try to stay on track with keeping my house neat and tidy!

4.) I want to perfect one of my talents and put my BEST into something. I feel like I do everything, even this diary, half-assed. I know I can do SO much better in a lot of areas but I am lazy and just don't put the effort into them and give up easily.

Ok thats it! OH! Also! Pray for me! Jamie leaves Thursday for TEN DAYS to London and Dublin and as much as I am excited for him, my eyes water thinking about those lonely ten days without his arms to hold me and how hard it will be to say goodbye to him.