May 09, 2008 � Our Spring
I haven't updated in forever AGAIN! What is the matter with me?

Well, in my defense, nothing has happened. I haven't started packing. I haven't been anywhere (except a well deserved and well medicated sushi outting). There has been nothing in my life lately.

Oh except for the fact that I did SOMETHING to my back and have been in excruiating pain for a week. It is in my TOP FIVE Worst Pains in the VH1 special of my life. So, I have pretty much been out of commision, letting the house, my dreams of getting ready for the move early, and my hair suffer. But, today I am going to urgent care because I can't take it anymore. I need drugs.

Right now, my two matching-silk-nightgown clad girls are jumping on our new velvet French provincial couch. Its the most beautiful couch I've ever seen and it just makes the whole decor. FINALLY I got rid of my hideous turd of a couch and traded it for this.

My girls have been good. I never got to finish my last "twoflowers" entry. Maybe I'll work on it today. The Squish has been absolutly remarkable. Sometimes I can't believe how obsessed with her I am. She can sing songs from Yo Gabba Gabba and other melodies (row row your boat, lullabye, ect ect) and that really impressed our doctor at her 18m checkup. Her vocabulary is still the babblings of an indigeonous tribe in Africa, but I'm becoming more and more fluent!

And Marci, my princess of pretend, is going to be FOUR in a little over two weeks. FOUR YEARS OLD! I was telling Jamie that, with Marci, it really does feel like its been four years because it feels like forever since we didn't have kids and it was just us. But, with Squishy, I can't believe its been 18 months. It feels like it was just the three of us for such a long time, and now, Squishy is only 6 months away from two years old (however, measuring in tantrum degree, she's already there). We are going to take Marci on this "Day With Thomas" train ride, where they pimp out a train to LOOK like Thomas! She couldn't be more excited for it. I wish someone did that for me when I was little with a character I was so crazy about!

Ok well, I need to go get ready for Urgent Care before this pain makes my brain explode.