2002-12-29 � The diagnosis
Music: The Used-The Taste of Ink</I>

[I was lazy today and didn't blow dry my hair. Now it is a nest of curls and straight pieces. Oh how will I go on?]

Throughout the last couple of months, I have came across a lot of incidences and expieriances that have forced me to step back and look at myself from differant angles and perspectives. This has definatly been the era of finding myself. I used to think I was a mess of thread and all my thoughts and emotions were all tangled and I couldn't find what spool they came from. Now things seem more clear. In the last couple months, I've learned more about myself then I ever have. It's funny how you can be someone and you don't even know it.

I now know or learned that......</B>

*I'm not in any way atheletic. (Not that I didn't know that already)

*I find myself drawn to things with more meaning.

*I relish in good lyrics...even if they are written by me.

*I don't have to look pretty to be beautiful.

*I have a natural instinct to fix things all the time. If I can't fix a problem, even if it's not mine, I get flustered.

*When I love something, I really try and appreciate it and show others that I appreciate it.

*I don't need to go to party after party every weekend and drink till I'm blitzed to have fun. I can have fun cuddled up in my pajamas watching movies with my friends or boyfriend.

*I think too much into things. Things aren't as complicated as I make them.

*If it doesn't feel right in my heart right then, then it's never going to feel right so it's a bad idea.

*I believe in fate and can relax with the whim that "If it's meant to be, it will be"

*I'm a hopeless romantic

*I'm a dreamer

*I'm a compulsive shopper

*I love anything classic

*I can't handle being the same as someone else.

*I don't think love has a specific time limit. If love had a clock, it wouldn't be love at all.

*I now believe that it is possible for me to find someone that cares about me as much as I care about them.

*I believe in that "one person"

*As much to Jamie's dismay, I love Orlando Bloom with all my heart.

*As much to Orlando Bloom's dismay, I love Jamie with all my heart.

*I'm happy with the way my life is

*I'm happy with who I am.

*I need to clean the kitchen