2003-07-15 � I neeeeddddd to shave my legs :)
So, in an attempt to help provoke some motivation out of me, I'm writing in my diary.

Motivation and I have not been very good friends, lately, seeing as how I have become wrapped up in the fourth and fifth Harry Potter books. I'm on the fifth one now, and it was all I could do to tear me away from it so I could start some laundry. Its so hard to put these books down, though! All I wanna do is sit outside on my porch swing and read as long as I want to. But, the responsibilities of being an adult interuppt me from time to time and I have to leave the magical world of Harry Potter and return to the magical world of paying bills and cleaning the house. I can't believe how involved I have gotten in these books. I think maybe its because my life sucks and I have to live through a fictional character. However, I'll never admit that to anyone because....I mean, really? How pathetic does THAT sound??

Several of my appointed bridesmaids have not been living up to their duties of being my friend lately. I'm not going to name names, but I'm thinking about nixing some people off the list. Actually, I'm thinking of having an election and seeing who can PROVE their loyalty and to see who actually DESERVES to be amoung my wedding party. Now, I'm wondering if I expect too much of people. But then again, I don't think it's expecting a phone call a day from your "best friends" or even an acknowledgement that they care you're alive, do you?

Yesterday, I hung out with Tom and Dave. I have to say, for doing nothing, I had a fun time. We went to Borders (a popular I-have-nothing-else-to-do- place to go)first to wait for Dave to show up. I handed Tom a book called "Gay Traveling" then ran away so it looked like he was reading it on his own. After an hour of trying to stay occupied in the bookstore, Dave arrived. Walking out, I had an encounter with the House Plant (aka: BRIAN) and couldn't help but mutter under my breath "cut your greasy hair." But, much to my expectations, there was no exchange of conversation.. Boredom landed us at the Scrappers game for a good 10 minutes then we proceeded to K-Mart (another place that falls under the same genre as Borders except its open 24 HOURS), where we met a stuffed goldfish that we named Fluid. A lot of other stuff happened, but I'm sure you don't care. Just know that I had a good time and I'm glad Tom and Dave are so fun.

Well, my motivation has arrived. Better not keep it waiting.