August 30, 2003 � The world outside 5 days.
I am sitting here with my hand up to my nose. It still smells like Jamie's skin. Before he left this morning (Late night of doing the nasty! By nasty I mean, watching Lord of the Rings), he came and cuddled me in my bed. He was just wearing his wife beater and jeans so his back and arms were more easily accessable. I just love the smell of his skin. The feel of his skin. When it's cool to the touch. Every five seconds, I take a break from this entry to smell my hand again. It lofts on my finger tips. It's not just the cologne. It's a mix between that and his natural smell thats so intoxicating. Sigh I miss him since he left.

So school's been ok. I mean, it's school. Its as ok as it can get. I only go 2 days a week, so it's not unbearble. I find that when I'm at school, I get this sense that I'm cooler then I actually am. It lasts till after school too. I'm just in class taking notes thinking "Yeah I got Psych next" and all of a sudden, I'm this super cool COLLEGE student. COLLEGE kids are as cool as you can get and I'm ONE of them. I mean, hey, look at that! And then I find myself walking and talking different. In a cool college kid kinda way. I find, I'm not just COOLER, I'm more myself. I think more myself and act more myself. I think this is because in college, you have to be unique to be noticed..and I'm the queen of unique. So maybe.....just MAYBE....I am actually super cool by NATURE and I just hide it from the rest of the world most the time?? Maybe I actually AM as cool as I have always thought??? Nah...I'm wearing a shirt that says "Warren #1 Chapter." I don't think so.

I just wish I could pick my major. Right now, I'm leaning more towards interior decorating, but I'm not really passionate about it. I'm not really passionate about anything. But with interior decorating I have a plan. And I'm always one to go toward the plan. I'll graduate, get my masters, move to North Carolina, (The Outer Banks hopefully), and decorate rich people's vacation homes. Thats the plan as of late. But then, the other day, teaching struck me. I thought it might be so incredible to be a highschool teacher. But teachers make crap money. I don't know. I hate being an "all about the benjamins" kinda girl, but I really want to live better then I live now. And I don't think its impossible for me to find a job that is not only lucrative, but is also fun and enjoyable. Lets hope.

I'm going to Niagra Falls next weekend with my Emily and Carla, and Jamie. Tom and Dave are also going so it should be a blast. I'm really excited. I mean, its common knowledge that you only have to be 19 to drink in Canada. But its not just the drinking that excites me. Its the being able to drink. Does that make sense? Here..let me explain it...Its the FREEDOM to drink. I am not restricted by my age in Canada. I can go anywhere I want in Canada. I hate not being 21. I always feel so young. "Hey Katie, do you want to go out with us after work? Oh can't get in there." It's so binding. So I'm excited to stretch my "mature adult" wings.

Well, I think I'm gonna go do some homework.