November 21, 2003 � God rest ye merry gentlemen let nothing you dismay
**Random Thoughts**

*We're addressing wedding invitations

*I'm ugly now

*I haven't felt pretty for a very long time.

*Since I found out I was pregnant

*I miss feeling eyes on me when I walk in a room.

*Now, I can barely fit into my jeans and have to wear sweats all the time until I can fit into maternity pants.

*Bah humbug

*This is an asterick *<--

*I spelled that wrong

*I STRONGLY dislike people who don't answer my IMs.

*Everyone should know that Jamie and I are registered at Target

*We're also registered at any bank in your area

*That was a joke.

*I'm not funny anymore.

*Except when I said that bank joke.

*I guess its not REALLY a joke know...who couldn't use money?

*We're gonna charge an admissions fee for the wedding.

*It's a culture tradition.


*Thats the culture.


*I want a bagel with cream cheese.

*ALOT of cream cheese.


*Remember going to Duncan Donuts before school (if you went to JFK) and you'd say "I'd like a blueberry bagel with the cream cheese on it" and they would LOAD it with cream cheese like it was their job?

*Well,it was their job.

*Sometimes, Jamie talks alot.

*I'm lying.

*Jamie ALWAYS talks alot.

*And he'll start to tell a story about one of his friends, and he gets this "Story about my friends" voice.

*So I'm really worried about if my body with bounce back and look as good as it did 2 months ago after the baby comes.

*Lets just say it will for right now because if I think "it won't" I'm going to have to kill you.

*Or myself.

*Or we could stick to you.

*Ok, NOW I'm just rambling.


*Right there.

*That was rambling.

*So is this!

*Whatta ya know!

OK well, if you don't get an invite within 2 weeks, it means you either are A.) Not my friend or B.) Not good enough of a friend to be on the "A" list so expect your "B" list invite late