May 24, 2004 � Nostalgia
Yesterday was "Clear Out Katie's Old Room" day.

It's really not fun to go pack up all your memories and souviniers from puberty and beyond and put them in the attic because, in your adult home, in your adult life, they really don't go with anything.

But thats what I did.

I guess a cliche word for it would be nostalgic. I found old notes, old pictures,(old condom wrappers),old things that I used to use to define who I am. My room was so....ME. Now, I don't know if this apartment is me. Especially the teal couch *gag*. But, I found a few places for some of my old things, and I can't explain to you how good that makes me feel. I can put my zebra rug in the bedroom, and a few of my posters in their too. Now, I save the rest for my Marilyn office when we get our own house.

Till that day....

My childhood stays in boxes.