June 27, 2004 � The disappointing night
So my LONG awaited night of drinking and dancing with my friends was put on hold by two unstoppable forces: gravity and my mother-in-law.

This is how it went down:

So McNeil's parents went out of town and she had people over. I had been looking forward to it all week. I haven't been to a party (that I can participate in)since September, so this was a big deal. Sharon (Jamie's mum) comes over at about 9:30 to watch Marci. Previous to this, I pumped 4 ounces (enough for not one...but TWO feedings) so I could drink and not worry about the consequences and enjoy myself. So I get all dolled up, and Emily and I head to the party.

When we get there, it's only us, Tedd, and McNeil so I start calling everyone in my phone book to tell them to get their asses to her house so we can party! And they all agree to come. This was turning out to be a gooood night. I raided McNeil's fridge, grabbed a Jack Daniels Lemonaid, and did a jello shot with Emily when everyone started arriving. So Carla, me, Emily, Matt, and Kelly are sitting in the kitchen, about to do another shot, having a good time, when my cell phone rings.

"Hi Katie, its Sharon"

"Oh hey! Whats up? How is she?"

"She's fine, but I went to go fix her bottle and I spilled the milk."

"All of it?"



"Oookk....well, the thing is, Sharon, is I've had a little to drink, so I can't really feed her right now."

"Why were you drinking, honey? You're breastfeeding"

"Because I PUMPED four ounces, Sharon."

I'm about in tears. I can NOT believe that this is happening. Everyone, including me, was so excited for me to be out and about again, and now its all ruined.

Ok so I call my sister, seeing if there is anyway I can save the night by giving Marci formula (for the first and ONLY time) just to hold her. Tia informs me NO that I can NOT do that because she could develop an allergy and be up all night screaming and in pain. SO this was a serious matter. So I call Sharon and tell her to not give her any formula b/c of the allergy thing, and that I'll be home ASAP.

So I call Jamie and ask him to pick me up after he gets home from work.

So he comes to McNeil's with Marci in tow. Everyone rushes out to see her and Matt smells her head. So we're driving along and Jamie says "When I got home, me and my mom were looking for the formula to give her in the pantry, but we couldn't find it."


Hold it right there.


The FORMULA I speCIFiCALLY said to NOT give my daughter?

THAT formula?

Was I taking CRAZY pills or did I NOT explain to her the ramifications of giving a one month old breastfeeding baby formula for the first time??

So, this explains why my mother-in-law is crazy and why Tia is going to watch Marci next time I want to go out.

The End.