July 14, 2004 � I want presents.....I WANT PRESENTS
Here's something I don't understand;

Lobster tanks.

Why are they just clear plexi-glass? I mean, we all KNOW this is the last place the lobster is ever going to live. It's sort of his "death bed", if you will and all we can do for him/her is give them boring plexi-glass? Why don't they put some plants in there or a rock or SOMETHING? I mean, really...can't you make it a little bit nicer for their last days on this earth?

You know, lobsters mate for life. Think about that next time you go out for seafood. You could be eating someone's wife or husband.

It's funny how much death shows up in life. SO casual. Killing lobsters, hitting deer and then saying "is the car ok?" (I mean you just KILLED something), shooting soldiers in war. Geeze....

I don't know why I'm thinking about death so much. All I know is I don't want to die. And if I ever have a terminal illness, I don't want to know.

I know it might sound crazy, but crazy for me is what my mom went through for 4 months.

These last couple days have revolved around my sisters. Tami was in town and now I'm over Tia's. Although yesterday was quite busy. Jasmine came over and I made her lunch and we sat and chatted. I love my Jasmine. She's one of my best friends. There is just a certain innocense to her that I can really relate to and her little looks make me laugh. She's a lot more animated then people think. And then I went to Hawaiin Ice with Tami and the kids and heard Rachel go off on a few tangents. Made me *really* look forward to the future. Sike. Dave came by later on to talk to me about his girl problems. I made him a nice dinner and he told me "I haven't had a home cooked meal a lot since my mom died", so I'm gonna cook for him again. Dave is such a sweetheart. (RAH! I want to finish but Jamie is here to pick me up.....perhaps tomorrow)