November 27, 2004 � Random Update
So I'm sick today. Got sent home from work. I used to like being sick because of all the attention and special treatment. Now that I have a baby, its really hard because she is still number one, no matter how shitty you feel. So I don't get to rest as much as I would like.

Oh well.

We took Marci to the hospital yesterday for some tests (for her past bladder infection--want to make sure its not serious) and everything turned out fine, thank God.

Thanksgiving kinda...sucked. Seeing as how my dad is in Rome, Tia went to the Cifernos, and no one came home, it was just me,Jamie and my sister. SO we just bought like, 6 lbs of crab legs and feasted. Too bad my sister was in a bitter "I'm on my own because no one helps me ever mood" and it was very contagious. She always has a hint of this attitude, but that night it was full blown. I felt like I had an open wound around her and she infected me, because for the rest of the night I was in a weird negative mood. I hate those moods. It sometimes feels like I'm....empty. Like my brain is in a coma and I'm just a walking empty vessel.


I had a good day yesterday to make up for my bad night Weds (We won't get into that, but by the end of the night, I had cried, kissed a girl, got in a limo, ran down the street of Ytown with no shoes on, and drunk dialed like 7 people...). 1st Maggie came over with her cat Lunchbox...sent my cat in a FRENZY and she's been pissed ever since. We just sat around and bullshitted for a while till Nicole and Casey came over. Then me, Nicole and Casey went to Kahunaville...more bullshitting. Then Maggie came back over, me, her and Jamie smoked and Maggie and I left for Harry Nidel's going away party. He's getting shipped to Iraq today so it was a big hoopla. I saw some random ass people, and got to re-aquaint myself with some old friends. I talked to Justin Vingle for like, 40 minutes on the couch and then went into a deep conversation with Eliott. Justin Vingle proceeded to tell me I "grew into myself" I asked him if before if my skin was hanging and I needed to grow into it or something because I didn't understand that at first. It was just a really fun night. I just simpy adore my Maggie. She's definalty one of my best friends. She's one of the most caring people I ever met and she has more passion then anyone I know. I envy her for that. I need find my spark again.

Well, I'm feeling woozy so I better lie down.