March 24, 2005 � Quack quack waddle waddle sing a duck song
Wow its been a while since I submitted any kind of REAL entry.

I just put the baby to sleep in her new bed (aka:kid sized pull-out couch with pooh on it at the foot of our bed) and read her Goodnight Moon (they should really do the movie version of that one :-/ ). It's really awesome now that I can just put her to bed and she justs puts herself to sleep now. It was so tiring laying there with her until she fell asleep, all the while enduring the occasional fussiness and physical abuse she would hand out in her "I don't you to leave" fashion.

Well, I'll tell you the little things first before I tell you the BIG thing (or the thing that could of been big but its still medium sized as of now).

Since we last "spoke" (the quotations are because you can't actually speak through these things, but I don't know what else to call it...I guess I could put "since the last time I wrote", but I didn't want to. So.......there.), a lot of stuff has happened. But I guess stuff always happens or else your life would be a blank void. Well, only a few things worth noting:
1.I went to Columbus to see Tami and Rachel for her 8th birthday. It was a good time. Tami is getting so big! Baby Jake calls Marci "Marcibob".

2.I went to eat at Sakura Japanese Steakhouse and these people were trying to order cheese fries and were disappointed when the waitress told them that they didn't have any. I mean, really? What kind of idiotic people do you have to be to think a Japanese place would have cheese fries? Also, the waitress and owner (who took a shine to Marci) both really liked me and offered me a job, but they don't get much business so I doubt it would even matter.

3.I don't even know where to start with the changes in Marci. She just started crawling two days ago. The times where we could put her somewhere and she'd stay there are over, so Jamie and I busted out the playpen today and baby-proofed the apartment. She always goes after the cable cord, so I'll cover it with a blanket. This makes it look like a cat bed, I guess b/c Py always goes and lays on it after that. She's also talking a lot more, interacting with people and things a lot better and FINALLY started smiling at strangers. No more creepy staring. Awww my Ba :-)

4.The Vagina Monologues are going very well. We open in 2 weeks. I have all my lines memorized and I am very excited.

5. Jamie asked me if the reason why I don't want to have sex sometimes is because I like girls. I started laughing and pitying him at the same time. Kisses for my Pooks.

6.My dad wants to move to Florida. To this place called "The Villages", which kind of reminds me of the town from "The Truman Show" in that it is a very secluded town and almost like it's own country (with its own currency). You have to be 55 or over to own land there, so I guess its right up his alley. I think it would be really good for him, apart from him taking my little dog. But on the other hand, he'd also be taking Conrad. BWA ha ha ha.

7.Jamie and I are broke broke broke.

Ok......and now.....the ultimate news.

Three days ago, I'm at practice, busy saying "Cunt" over and over, and my cell phone rings. I ignore it of course (I mean HELLO I'm a professional.)I check the number and see that it says 323 area code. This could only mean one thing; BILL collector. So forget it. So I'm walking out of practice, down the halls of Kent trumbull, checking my voice mail and this is what it says "Hi this is Chastity from the Dr.Phil Show..."............My heart STOPPED. I almost screamed in the halls. I had emailed them 2 months ago about the problems surrounding Jamie's mom and my dad (The whole she loves him he doesn't love her scenerio), but didn't think they would actually CALL! Anyway, to make a long story short, I talked to the producer for an HOUR that day, then the next and they wanted us to fly to LA (first class mind you) next Tuesday and film on Weds. But here's the catch....we have to get our parents to go too. HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.......and thats where it all went terribly wrong. My dad didn't just blow it off though, I will say that. He really did a lot of soul searching and really put a lot of thought in it BEFORE saying no. Jamie's mom just said no. SO here I am.....Niles friccin' glamourous life....itching my sun meeting Dr.Phil. And here I will probably be for the rest of eternity.......(HA yeah right)

So, thats my devastating story, and thats the last time I'll mention it.
Accept for one last


Ok. Now I'm done. Seriously.