March 31, 2005 � Revelations of Friends
I'm watching Sesame Street. Yeah thats right. Wanna make something of it?

So, in the last two days I've had revelations about people in my life. Some good, some bad.

I realize that some people have no respect for others feelings.

I realize that some people need to be taken for who they are, and to not get mad when they don't fit my wishes, but to enjoy what I get.

I realize that some people care about me a lot, even when we're not speaking to one another.

I realize that some people will always support me--no matter how much time passes, and I should have more faith.

I realize that some people will always have a place in my heart and always be perfect in my eyes.

I realize that some people (some very little cute chubby people) can make me relax just by looking at her little piggy toes.

I realize that I can feel closer to someone even when we're hours away.

I realize that sometimes you have to cut your ties to some people.

I realize that I should feel very lucky for the best friends that I have because they believe in me so much.

I realize that I shouldn't so easily push away someone who has meant so much to me in the past.

I realize that some people will always be hard to get over.

I realize that some people need to be taken with a grain of salt.

And I ALSO realize that Jamie's nap time is up and now its my turn.