April 11, 2005 � Vday 2005
I lost my debit card so I don't have any money to order a pizza..............or DO I???

Still can't get to my older entries. Crossing my fingers that they aren't gone forever. Is anyone else having this problem?

So this week was pretty awesome, to tell you the truth. I had rehearsal every day and got to bond with the cast. For not knowing eachother very long, we sure are getting close fast. I guess when you put 21 women in a room and make them stay there till they have to go on stage, they pass the time by disclosing very personal information to eachother. We've laughed, we've cried, we've talked about our vaginas. It's very touching.

Also my sister came home from Columbus this weekend. She's getting HUGE! I woke up at the crack of 7 to go garage sailing (and yes I know that that is the wrong version of "sale") with all of my sisters at Howland United Methodius Church. Believe it or not, I got some sweet ass stuff. I stocked up on the clothes for my Ba, got me some awesome shirts (Gap,Express,A&F,Limited,Banana Republic--all for 50 centd each!), some vintage jewelry and some beanie babies for Daniel's birthday. So then we headed over to McDonald's for Daniel's 5th birthday and my little 2 yr old nephew Jake is just the cutest thing. At my dad's he kept chasing around my dog Eliott, trying to get him to read him a story. Obviously he was unsuccessful. Tami and I also went shopping for Maternity clothes for her. All the clothes are so cute now! Being in Motherhood made me want to be pregnant again so badly. I loved being pregnant. I was too cute for words.

On the big news front, my show opened Saturday! I can't even tell you how simply amazing it was. We had over 200 people and raised a lot of money for Someplace Safe. I kicked some cunt ass, if I don't say so myself. The rush I get from being onstage is incompariable to anything else I've ever felt--well, maybe I can compare it to being in love. The tingly butterfly feeling, heart pounding, head spinning, but still wanting to do more. Not as many people as I thought showed up for me (It's ok Dave! I know you got a flat tire), but I'm so thankful to the ones that did. I asked Jamie how I did and he said something that made me really....confident I guess is a good word. He said "I know you're a good actress b/c when you were up there, you changed. I forgot you were my wife. I just thought I was watching someone else." I really am quite fantastic :-)

Well,Baby Shakespere is over. Time to manage some more mischief from my Ba.