June 13, 2005 � A gushing mother
I am so obsessed with my baby. I think that I am driving people without kids nuts with how obsessed I am. She is just SO FREAKING CUTE! She's really devoloping into such a little person with her own personality. Right now, she went up to the stereo and turned on some techno music and is dancing.

She has picked up and learned so much in the last couple weeks. Here is a list of all the new adorable stuff she can do:
1.She says "uh oh", "yeah", and "the Ba"

2.She can take a few steps on her own

3.She waves bye bye

4.She raises her arms in the air when you said "sooo big!"

5.She claps and proceeds to make high pitched noises to go along with the applause just like Mommy and Daddy

6.She does "nice". Which means she gently strokes babies, animals, and pictures of babies and animals.

7.She gives kisses.

And thats just the conformist stuff that she does. I didn't even mention all of her other goofy habits...like growling.

Sometimes, I look at her and her big deep beautiful brown eyes and I just think "Wow...I am so lucky that I get to be this little girl's mom." And its true. She is such a special kid and I can't belive she's mine.

Well, I have to go kiss her fat little thighs now b/c they are looking so cute I can't stand it.