September 19, 2005 � Stairs
I'm eating sausage. Which is odd, because I don't nessecarily like sausage, but hey..I'm in some weird sort of binge mode.

Lately, I've been losing a lot of weight. Pants that used to be painted onto me now sag and I need to wear a belt. I went from a size 3 to a size 0. Yeah, I know some of you probably are all like "Oh POOR baby!" in the very most sarcastic of tones, but seriously folks...I'm not a fan of this. I don't know whats up. I haven't been a 0 since 6th grade. I have the weirdest appetite. I'll be fiercely hungry and then when I have food, four bites will fill me up. Must be all that cocaine use I guess HA HA HA ha....HA.....hehe....ha? Ok, not funny.

Do you see that baby up there? Would you let that baby fall down a flight of stairs? Let her chubby cheeks and toothy grin and pudgy thighs and alien babble tumble helplessly down 20 stairs and crash at the bottom? Hopefully, you're thinking "NO! Of course not! How could anyone do such a thing?" Well, someone did. Someone thought that computer games were more important than my daughter's safety. This person is my 14 year old neice Julia and my 16 year old nephew Isaac, who were supposed to be keeping an eye on her while Jamie and I were at work. As the story goes, they weren't paying enough attention and Marci fell down their steep attic stairs. By the grace of God, she isn't hurt. A few bumps and bruises, but thats it. I mean, people die falling down the stairs! They break their neck! We took her to urgent care and they said she looks fine but to just keep an eye on her because hair-line fractures to the SKULL (I never want to here the word 'skull' in reference to my daughter...its never good). So, after all this trauma, you'd think I'd get an apoligy, right? I mean, you almost kill someone's kid you should apoligize. Oh wait..its been three days and I'm gettin' nothing. Thats feelings of remorse...nothing. Nada. I'm so incredibly annoyed by the whole situation. My sister Tia is angering me because she is acting like I don't have a right to be mad. "Oh things happen like this all the time with a toddler". Yeah, they might bump their head or trip but kids don't just FALL DOWN AN ENTIRE FLIGHT OF STAIRS. "It was a mistake and Julia and Isaac feel horrible." Oh do they? I wouldn't know because they haven't even talked to me. "Julia is a giver. She's such a giver. She watches Marci for free all the time. You never give her a cent." Oh, ok. So, since I never pay you for babysitting, even though I haven't asked you to so for 4 months or more (just for the record, Tia was supposed to be watching Marci that day...but she went to the store), that means that this one is on me. I'll let this one slide because I never pay you for babysitting. So, lets just say that things are tense right now.

My LIFE fell down those stairs. I don't know what I would do if something would of happened to her and I really detest Tia trying to make light of this. Trying to make it more casual then it really is. Because its not casual to me. Its serious. AHhhhh I'm getting all worked up.

Well, King George and the Ducky is almost over, so I better finish my sausage!