November 15, 2005 � B to the O to the R to the E to the D
So do you wanna know what I don't get? What I really really don't understand? Ok. Here it is. I'm just going to put it out there. If you like it, take it, if you don't send it right back.....Ug boots. I'm mean, seriously? What are those? Is there another ice age approaching? Are you preparing yourself for mammoth hunting? Or maybe you just want to make sure we all know that you are a supporter of the fashion of baby seal poachers. Poachers of seals have incredible flair. Come on, girls. Seriously. You look ridiculas. You look really ridiculas and everyone is making fun of you. Well, at least I am.

WOW. I am so bored. I have 35 more minutes to kill before Jamie comes. I really don't know what to do until then. I DO know that I really have to pee, but I also really don't feel like getting up. So, I am sitting on my foot until it goes numb and I have to make myself get up and walk across the hall into the bathroom. My math class was cancelled today and I really don't have anything constructive to do. I mean, I guess I could do my geography articles for Thursday. Ok. Thats what I will do.

OH YEAH! AND I have a test in psych on Thursday too. Guess I should study for that.

P.S-Atlanta recently opened (well, Nov 23rd) up the world's largest aquarium with the only whale shark in captivity today. I know this sounds nerdy, but I am really excited about this. When I heard about it, I started buzzing. Ok. ENOUGH.