April 04, 2006 � The Nothing
Very short entry seeing as how I have ten minutes before my next class.


My Lit in English II class really makes me feel like an idiot of an English major. I really have a hard time with my thought process in that class. Everyone else seems so WITH it..so smart..and then theres me. I think that I can be a deep thinker when it comes to film and literature, but really, I'm as shallow as they come. I feel like a fraud.

Whenever I write a paper for that class I feel like I am grasping at straws. I have never felt good about anything I've written in that class. I just can't dig deep enough! Siiighh..its hard being so clueless.

So, I got really nauseaus (HOW do you spell it) yesterday, took my 50$ Zofran pill, annnddd nothing. Nada. I was fighting not to puke at Kmart. Things like that are so frustrating. This is supposed to be the best of the best pill wise and it doesn't work sometimes! When that happens, I feel hopeless.

I had a nightmare about someone breaking into my house while I was sleeping last night. I woke up SO frightened. Jamie was sleeping on the couch (b/c Marci was in our bed) and I went and woke him up and made him sleep with us, which is a big deal b/c it is very crowded in that little bed with all three of us. It made me realize that I won't feel as safe in a house as I do in an apartment. It's harder to break into an apartment and you're not all alone. Other people live in the same building. I'm such a little girl

Ok! I think thats enough interesting nothingness for today! Now on to Children's Lit!