June 04, 2007 � Calm and Quiet FINALLY
Ok I am going to try to make this entry as interesting as possible, but I'm not making any promises!

I don't know why I haven't had the motivation to write here lately. Maybe its because I know I have so much to say and as each day passes, the stories get older and older and details grow fainter. Marci's third birthday and party has come and gone, Squishy's baptism was a week ago, and my brother and his family's visit is over too. All in one week.

I was a very busy bee lately so this week has been a nice slow-down. Marci's party went swimmingly. She looked lovely in her pink pretty party dress ornamented by pig tails and butterfly wings. It was a bug party and it was really great. It literally went almost perfect. Scarlett's baptism was the next day and besides a rained out post-baptismal cook out, it went well too. It was a hectic couple days, but I'm glad we did it.

Jamie and I are doing well. His grandma died the day before Marci's birthday so he and his brother and mom traveled 9 hours (eep!) for the funeral in Indiana! My poor Jamie. He has so many balls in the air right now. Summer school, work, being a good husband and provider, his family, and his mom just turning into a total whack job. I spent the day at my sister-in-law's house the day he came home (Tuesday) and we were there until 2:30am because they had a big sibling meeting over what to do with his Mom. Sitting there, watching all the children finally collaborate and deal with the decreasing mental health of their mother, I felt like such an outsider. Jamie never really talks to me about his actual feelings on the situation. He says "It sucks" and always tells me the stories, but I don't know whats going on in his head or his heart. It didn't seem like they were ever close, but it still has to be hard to see your mom just totally slipping away like that.

On that foggy drive home, Jamie finally expressed to me some fears he has for his future. Having a father AND a mother both succumb to some sort of mental disorder certainly puts ideas in one's head. Honestly, I know I have had ideas in mine long before he brought it up. My poor husband.

On a brighter note, he did a cute thing for me the other day. Little, but cute. He went to the grocery store to pick up Scarlett's baptism cake and he ended up bringing me home a cookie with "I Love You" on it. I know that sounds stupid, but its those small things he does sometimes that reassure me when I am worried.

Speaking of Scarlett, OH EM GEEEEEE!! I can't believe I only got 6 short months of her being immobile!! In one week, she started crawling, sitting, pulling herself up, and crawling. ONE WEEK! She is just impossible to contain lately! I don't get anything done. If I sit on the floor to try to do something, she treats my body like an obstacle course. I seriously feel like I am some sort of animal trainer! Like she's a little lemur or something. If I stand up, she grabs onto my pant legs and pulls herself up to stand. She wants to MOVE.

And my goodness, she has the sweetest face that has ever blessed my eyes. Those pouty lips with those chubby cheeks melt every heart. We entered her in a local Sears New Face contest (we wanted to enter Marci too but she wouldn't sit still for the pictures and threw a BIG fit)and they called to tell us that our free picture was in and the lady said "Unfortunately, she didn't win but I have to say that she was our favorite. She's just too adorable. We were all rooting for her." So, that took the edge off a little bit! I am going to post pictures at the end of this entry.

My Marci is SUCH a little girl now. She is the light in every day. She is really blooming into such a lovely face. Her chocolate eyes are so beautiful and they compliment her creamy skin and her dusty hair so perfectly. I always thought I wanted blue-eyed babies until I got brown eyes. Now, I wouldn't change it for the WORLD. BUT, she is a SASSER lately. GEEZE! She actually shushes me! I have actually been feeling really guilty because my patience is wearing thin with her and I have lost my temper a little too much when I shouldn't have. Over little petty things. Kids being kids.

But, it is not as bad as it could be. Oh I've seen bad kids. Bratty kids. Spoiled kids. Kids you do NOT want to be around. That isn't Marci. She's only REALLY bad when she's tired. She is usually SO kind and polite and inquisitive. She is so into bugs. She saw a little beetle the other day and started talking to it. "Oh you poor dear. Don't worry. I won't hurt you." Then BAM! She smashed it with a laddle. Ok, maybe that wasn't the best example of her kindness haha. Today, I took her to the park which is a ten minute walk from us. And the whole thirty minutes we were there, she didn't even play on the equiptment! She threw rocks into a mud puddle! We could have done that in closer proximity to where we live!

Ok I think its about time I head to bed. I am going to try to update more. Although I have a LOT of work lately. I took on two big writing projects and I'm sort of regretting it, but I have to do it. It will make me stronger, I guess.