July 09, 2007 � Turned off the sky
I've been quite absent! Take this as a good sign, though, as things have really been looking up.

Any spare time I have lately is usually spent writing. I have two deadlines this week. One for articles on tattoos and another for a love story, which I really am enjoying writing. About twice a week, Jamie drops me off by myself at Panera Bread and I get a smoothie, sometimes a salad, and I sit out on the patio by the stone fountain and write. It makes me feel like I am all "Katie" and no "Mom" or "Wife". To look at me there, you would never guess I have children. In my skinny jeans and heels. It wouldn't be until I dropped my purse and Squishy's stuffed elephant or Marci's travel Elmo magnadoodle that you would suspect anything.

And whats sweet is every single time I've went, I've had an experience with a sparrow. Whether it be the sparrow perched right next to me and hopping up and down like it was doing a little dance just for me, or adorably splashing in the fountain beside me, I seem to just always notice a sparrow. I love sparrows!

Jamie and I are doing SO good! I think that is the staple of my own happiness, which I am not particularly sure how I feel about that, but hell, I'm still happy so I guess I won't question it. He has been so sweet and attentive and he's been extra wonderful with the kids and with helping around the house. Yesterday morning, he woke me up and said "Come on! I want to show you something!" and he had pulled up Urban Outfitters (my favorite store)'s website and picked out things he thought I'd like. I have been needing a bathing suit so he even looked at those for me too. Things like that really make my day.

We are both pretty syked for Harry Potter and we pre-ordered the book and are going to the midnight show of the movie tomorrow night. I got him a "Death Eater" shirt for Xmas and there is a women's version at Hot Topic we are going to get for me to wear. We are both the nerdiest and the cutest. We are even going to the book release party haha. However, I love that we share an interest in something.

The girls have been good. Check out there diary twoflowers.diaryland.com. I don't write it in as often as I should, but when I do, I usually try to include everything since the previous entry. Squishy is crawling, cruising, babbling, climbing, clapping, and has two teeth. She follows me around the house like a dog and attaches herself to my leg whenever she gets the chance. I feel more like her handler then her mother! She's such a beast!

Just Marci and I went to the movies to see Ratatouille last night. I absolutly relished the time we had along, seeing as how such times are so few. I felt so proud to walk into the movies with her holding my hand and declaring myself as her mama. We sat in an aisle by ourselves so she could get up and wander without bothering anyone, and she was pretty good with staying her seat or standing up without actually moving around. She talked A LOT but it was all about the movie. When they turned off the lights, she goes "Oh no! They turned off the sky!"

Earlier in the day, me and the girls ventured out with my sister-in-law Sharee and her son Sean to an art festival on the YSU campus. It was simply amazing. 50-60 different local and traveling artists, each with their own little tent, displaying and selling their art. There were carpet weavers, glass artists, pottery, photographers, painters, welders, jewelry makers, even a tie dye artist! It made me want to run out and spend all my money on canvas and paint and brushes and just CREATE. I think it must really be a special feeling to see your art...your creation...being appreciated and BOUGHT by a stranger.

Speaking of that, my sister Tia's musical debuted in my town with a crowd numbering in the 500s! When I pulled into the parking lot, I almost cried when I saw there was no where to park! I am gleaming with pride for her. Christian singer, author, and now playwright. She is so lucky to earn money doing something she absolutly loves.

Ok this entry is WAY too long! It has taken up most of my morning!

Hopefully its not another 12 days until an update.