May 10, 2008 � OK back DAY
I lost my phone and it is ruining my life. I'm home alone alllllll day today and phoneless! And to make matters worse, I found my friend Marcus on a Craigslist "Missed Connections" ad and I want to call and tell him but I CAN'T!

Today is an ok back day, which is really needed because my house is starting to smell. Jamie has enough going on in his life (his mom just got kicked out of another nursing home), and so I need to just suck it up and clean it. Maybe if I can clean it all, it will be easier for me to ask him for help keeping it clean.

Three weeks from tomorrow and we'll be in a new apartment in a new town. To look at my house now, you woul dhave no idea such a big move was so close! I reallY REALLy need to get this back feeling better so I can start things. Especially since our garage sale is next weekend. I'm starting to get more excited about moving to Cleveland. I think if we weren't moving to the neighborhood we are moving to, I wouldn't be looking forward to it. ITs just such an inspiring neighborhood and I'll be surrounded by artists and musicians. I think its going to be really transcending for myself.

Well, I'm wasting this good back day on the computer. I have a stinky diaper to change, dishes to do, and other various sanitary activities!