2003-01-26 � Irish Bobs
I'm at Jamie's.

Surprise Surprise.

He wants me to come cuddle him on his bed, but I really want to update my diary seeing as how I've been slackin'lately. So when you need to update, you should update.

Yesterday was perhaps one of the most fun nights I have had since the beach.

Emily, Carla and I went with Em's sister Ellen to this bar in Youngstown to see a band.

It was called Irish Bob's and even though it wasn't the most classy of places, it played host to a good time.

The band was really awesome and they did a lot of covers so that was cool. I like to sing along.

At first, Carla, Em and I felt a little awkward being the only people with big blue Xs on our hands, indicating that we were underage. But we tried to make the best of it by telling people we weren't drinking because "man I am still so wasted from last night dude." I don't think it fooled anyone.

The night started off slow. It mainly included at first us three sitting on a bench watching Ellen's friends play pool. The band was loud so it sort of handicapped any sign of conversation. As the night went on, however, our spirits started to loosen up and we started to have a better time. I guess you can blame that on the arrival of Carla's cousins Maria and Johnny and their act of buying us drinks.

As the booze and music took its course, we started dancing and pretty soon, Carla and I were up on stage dancing with the lead singer.

I love how just the right buzz helps you to better be yourself and have no problem mingling with strangers. I met a lot of interesting people last night. Even one who promised he will get me a job at the Olive Garden. Yeah, I hope he remembers that.

We reached "Cool College Kid" status by staying there till almost three and going to bed at a reasonable "Cool College Kid" hour.

Weird Things That Happened:

1. Old creepy guy in the Steelers coat kept gawking at all the girls.

2. This kid came up to me on the way out and said "I just wanted to tell you that you are the most attractive girl in the building. Goodnight"

3. The one they call "Nasty Nate" kept hitting on Carla, Emily and I.

4. Carla thought the lead singer had a thing for me. I beg to differ.

Alright....well, my one and only is all cuddly and I'm not there to cuddle him.