2003-02-02 � Updating for the sake of updating
Its been quite a few days since I last updated. Well, I really haven't felt like it lately so screw you.

Not much has been going on. I went to Columbus for Rachel's "Special Person" day at kindergarten. I made a craft for Jamie :)

I just got back from Allegheny visiting Neilly for her birthday (which is today, wouldn't ya know it). We went to a party and I was very good. I'm very proud of me. I like being good. You feel better when you go to bed.

I still have no job. Which REALLY sucks seeing as how I need 40$ by tomorrow and 100$ by the 12th. I don't understand what is so un-hirable about me. I mean, I'm cute, I have a bouncy personality, and I'm just really super cool so it must be them. Why can't I just get paid for watching tv?

I forgot to tell you. My brother Sean is moving to Germany in March so me and my dad are going there for a week in June and we're gonna visit Rome and Paris! I'm excited! I've always wanted to go to Europe! I hope I have a job by then.....

My brother Greg is getting a divorce from the mail-order bride, Tanya. In fact, she's already dating someone else. Wow...she must be taking it pretty damn hard. Bitch.

"It's a new day but it all feels old"

Sigh. I am doing nothing with my life right now.

Sigh again.