2003-04-29 � Where I've been
As the Road to Procrastination continues, I sit at my computer desk, yet again putting off any sign of physical activity or things that could qualify as "work." Tomorrow I have to turn in the paper I didn't write on the book I didn't read. You'd think I would have learned a lesson after my all night expedition to finish my English portfolio Friday. Yeah but I didn't.

So, ok, its been a few days since I updated. I wish I could tell you what I've been doing. I've been pretty stressed out with juggling school, work, and the house that I tend to lose track of time. But actually, now that I think about it, I have been having a pretty eventful week.

Thursday-Sunday I've been tapping into something I thought I'd never be doing. In a way, it's hypocritical of me to enjoy it after I publicly bashed it more then once through most of my life. And even though this year has been a year of experimenting, I never thought I'd be doing this as consecutivly as I am/was. But I guess there is nothing wrong with it as long as I don't make it into a habit. You know, more then I already am. I'm such trash.

Saturday was my dad's Barbershop show. It was quite a big production at the Packard Music Hall. Me and my neice Anna joined other ladies earlier that evening and helped do the guys' makeup. We had to put foundation, blush and lipstick on about 50 old guys. It was something I wish I could say I've never done before, but hey, a lot of you have seen the pictures of Brian. It was interesting having to put makeup on my dad. Definatly something I didn't think I'd ever do. But hey, life is cool like that. The show itself wasn't that bad. This may be due to the "pre-gamming" I did before hand, but all in all, it was enjoyable. Jamie and I sat way way up in the balcony and the barbershoppers looked like little ants...ants that can sing. Afterwards, we went to the Mocha House then back to my house to watch the most fucked up movie ever. Do not see "Rules of Attraction." It blows.

Sunday was quite an unexpected day. Jamie and I both called off work and spent the day together. We spent most of the day at Boardmen with shopping, eating, and seeing movies at the dollar theater. We came back to my house later on and watched (attempted to watch) Harry Potter but we both fell asleep. I guess Jamie woke me up and asked me if I wanted him to stay the night and I said no. I don't remember this, though, so it could be a lie.

Yesterday, we had school. We skipped our first class, however, and went to lunch at the post house then bought some bread to feed to the sea gulls. We just sat by the pond and watched the sea gulls dive and hover over the water, trying to grab a piece of bread that floated in the current. I never really realized till yesterday how amazing birds are. The way the sea gulls flew--so smoothly--looked like they were attached to some great fishing line like a puppet. They rose and fell with such caress. I got jealous that they got to fly and I didn't. I've always wanted to fly. Jamie ruined my thinking by jumping up and down and flinging bread at the birds, thus scaring them away. They didn't like him very much. He's not very graceful. Trena came over later on, which was like a breath of fresh air. I missed hanging out with her alot. We always have so much fun together. We sat on my front porch, and this really strange little girl came up to us and asked me "Do you have a daughter" and I was like "uh no. I'm only 19" and she says "Oh...so where's your daughter at?" and I said "Um I don't HAVE one" and she said "Well, if you did have a daughter, where would she be at?" So I say "I don't HAVE a daughter. She doesn't exist!" And the weird little girl says "Well, if you see your daughter, tell her I want to play with her." Melenie told me that I should have said "Even if I did have a daughter I wouldn't let her play with you, you little freak!" HA!

So yeah, thats what I've been doing. Work has been pretty well. I got a new cell phone. Julzan Woo Yeah comes home in 2 days.

The last few days have been majorly effective towards Jamie and I's relationship. We just have gotten *so* much closer, which I didn't think was even possible. I've seen him almost constintly (yeah spelling sucks) lately and I still miss him if we're apart for an hour. We've become so much more connected. We blend into one person. I don't look at him as a boy anymore, he's just Jamie. We are completly ourselves around eachother and we just click SO well. I'm really excited to marry this man.

Welp, its almost time for me to go make some money.