2003-05-08 � Ramblings to explain where I've been
For some reason, I can't log onto Diaryland on my computer so I have to go on it on my dad's. It's really strange, but I think it has something to do with the fact that my computer sucks.

Ok so, anyway....it's been seven days. I don't think I have a good excuse unless you call lack of motivation a good excuse, but no one ever does and if they did, my life would be a whole lot easier.

I am talking to my Jeffrey now. If you don't recall, he's my favoritest Southern boy (next to Jason aka: Kentucky...wait...SIKE!)He's supposedly coming down this summer. I don't know though. He says that all the time and never comes. I want him to come SO badly! I just miss him so incredibly and I really wish this works out. I'm talking to him right now actually. I am sending him bits and pieces of things I have wrote about him from the past. He says I'm a hoot.

Jamie's dad passed away last Friday. It wasn't exactly a shock because he's been sick for a while, but no matter how prepared you think you are, you never *really* are. I did my best to be the good girlfriend to Jamie and I think I succeeded. I was nurturing and soothing to the best of my ability. Jamie's a very strong guy, so I don't know if he needed me as much as I wanted to be needed. I wish I had gotten to know his dad. I wish he'd gotten to know my mom. Isn't it strange that we both had to go through this in the same year? It's sort of serendipitas if you ask me. I loce him with all my heart and I hope he found me helpful.

My Julzan is home. Life is so refreshing with her here. She talks about leaving again and not wanting to stay here and it makes me miss her already. We are trying to plan a trip this summer. Maybe to New Orleans or L.A. Jamie's not too keen on those ideas though. Better bust out the Whoop Ass mace! Yesterday, Julz and I spent a good 6 hours sitting in front of the voting polls campaigning for her uncle Greg. It seems the basis of our relationship is sitting behind a booth trying to sell or campaign something. The mall, the fair, this...it all ties together. Even though it wasn't the most enticing time, with her its always fun.

So here is the shocker of the day: John Mechling called me. Haven't talked to the kid for a year. We had a good catching up conversation though. He's still the same John. He always makes me laugh. Just the way he says things makes me laugh. He shares that quality with my Jeffrey. He might stop over sometime. Its so weird that he called me because I've been thinking about him a lot lately. Just wondering what he's been up to and thinking about his little facial expressions and the noises he used to make. He always made such weird noises. I remember making him do the cookie monster laugh and just cracking up. Jamie seemed a little irritated that I talked to him b/c of our history. I can understand that. But both John and I are engaged and I am crazy about my Jamie so there is nothing to worry about. Now, if I was with Brian, *then* there would be something to worry about! I just can't get over how nice it was to hear from him. I would have hated him falling off the face of the earth. (p.s. if you don't know who John is, he's the guy from Snappers I used to have a huge thing for).

Schools out guys! I, Katie Brunetti, have successfully completed my first year of college! I'm not a freshman in college anymore.....wait...yeah I'm still a freshmen. But oh well. Hopefully, I can be a sophmore by spring sem. Yeah we'll see. I feel SO relieved that school is over. I'm a free woman! Well, besides work and taking care of the house....speaking of which, if I'm gonna go to Yamatos with my Maglet at 6, I better get steppin.