2003-07-21 � And yo momma too
So then I said "I'm going to write in my journal and you're going to get online." So here I am.

You know what I don't understand? I'm a nice person, right? So why don't people understand that it's there fault when I get mad. I mean, sometimes its my fault, but can't you at least TRY and find my point? Most of the time I have one.

So yeah.

SO yeah, I'm upset with someone. (I just went up to the bathroom and I am scared to go into my bathroom at night because I'm scared someone is hiding behind my shower curtain. I know some of you are with me on this.) But I know she (or he) doesn't care. They probably think I'm bogus for being upset, because, by all means, everyone takes their own side at first. And I don't think it's just an "at first" thing for her....or him. Why is it so hard to understand that I'm mad? (I don't like the word "mad" for this situation. I prefer upset, but I don't want to sound repeatious.) I don't like to be pushed aside. I'm her/his friend that just collects dust and am here when she (or he) wants me to be. I'm sorry, but it hurts my feelings. Simple as that. No calls from her/him and no real attempt at being a friend hurts..my feelings. That sounds so gay, I know. When you say feelings. I think it's the double e. It just makes it sounde stupid. SO I'm irritated and feeling abandoned. I dont' know how its so hard to see. I don't think it is. Look at the past 2 weeks. But always and always, its my fault first.

I think Jamie and I are the most disgustingly adorable couple EVER. We sing this song to eachother that goes like this: "Oh Mr. Pooks. pooks, mister happy pooks. Please shine down on me." We substitute the word happy every so often. Some times we say "cutie" or "pretty." It varies.

"Only the ends...thar end. show you a blue side." Those are what I think the words to the song "bluside." I don't know what they mean.

So, I sat down at my computer and I said to myself I said "Katie...you want to feel go. Why don't you put on some music." But then, I think I was expecting the music to do the impossible and start playing magical music that would make me feel really interesting.


I actually had a LIFE on Friday!

Carla's THONGS AND BONGS 2003 BIRTHDAY PARTY was Friday night. I got TRASSSSSHHHHHEEEEEDDDDDDDD. It was SO awesome. Emily and Wil made us wife beaters and they had our nick names and cell #s on the back and I wore mine into Wal Mart and some weirdo CALLED me. "I saw your shirt." (SCHMIPPIT! YOU KNOW WHAT IT MEANS!!!) I mean really? "I saw your shirt." What did he expect? For me to say "Oh you saw my shirt? How bout if we meet in the mens bathroom by the auto section and fuck." How pathetic of him and how dare he hit on me. I mean, for real, I'm like...first runner up in Miss Italian Youngstown. Drop a BEAT!


GOD.....I love Shakira....




