2003-07-23 � If ever these questions were yours what would you say?
So...I'm happy for the most part.

For the *most* part.

I got my room really clean, this table left me a 40$ tip last night, Jamie is very cute (all the time with the faces and the nosssseee), and Mer comes in 3 days.

But yet, there is SOMETHING that is nagging at me. Pulling at the strings of my happiness till they snap back against my insides. It's the fact that knowing that someone I care very much for doesn't care about me. After years and years, I can be easily forgotten. I did what I could. I tried to reach out. But I was grasping at nothing because they didn't want to reach out to me too. I'm in a state of total confusement over this. When did I hold such little importance with this person? When did something so little and petty grow into an emormous rift that they are refusing to cross? Sigh. Who knows.

Lets try and focus on happier things. Such as, cleaning the house.