2003-08-05 � The Hundred Dresses
You know how every kid has that book that they need their parents to read to them over and over? Mine was called "The Hundred Dresses" and my mom used to cuddle up with me in bed, and read it to me all the time. It's about this poor girl who can only afford one dress and all the other girls make fun of her, so she tells them she has a hundred dresses in her closet and draws each and every one. I'm not gonna go into the rest. Anyway, I've been thinking a lot about that book lately. I don't really know why. It's just been flashing in and out of my head a lot more recently then it used to. My mom loved it as much as I did. I can't remember why exactly I think that, but I do. I think thats why I love it so much more now then I did before. Because she did.