February 29, 2004 � Life
Today at work Joanna called off because her boyfriend Ethan, my boss' best friend and a friend of a lot of people who work at Damon's, died last night. Joanna woke up and he wasn't in bed. She found him laying flat on the living room floor, lips blue.

It made me feel weird all day.

It's always weird when someone dies out of the blue. And so young.

How cliche it is to say "how short life is". Or even "live for today." But I said them. Even if they are in quotation marks, they are my quotation marks. So, for right now, I am going to list everything I want to do before I die. So even if I die tomorrow without doing any of these things, at least the world will know that I MEANT to do them.


1. I want to go to Austrailia

2. I want to write something that people love

3. I want to meet Orlando Bloom

4. I want to buy my dad a boat

5. I want lots of dogs

6. I want to hold my daughter in my arms

7. I want to graduate college...with honors. (I could live without the honors. I mean, these things have to be realistic.)

How funny that I can only think of 7 things. There are other minor things, but those are on the top of the list. Like, I wanna see Vegas and LA but that doesn't really rank in the top 10. Not that there is a top 10. There's a top 7.

Well, if I die tomorrow, and you come to my funeral, mention that I wanted to do those things.