February 29, 2004 � Complain, Whine, Gripe, Moan
What I wouldn't do not to go to work today.

This 5 days of working crap really is getting me down. I don't have a lot of time to do what I want seeing as all of my days are consumed by either school or work. Or sometimes both. Like today. Work till 3 then come home and write a paper on the book I didn't read. Siiighh.

But, we need the money. And when Jamie gets another job, I can work less. Especially if I better commit myself to my ebay.

I'm still feeling a little crampy. Nothing I can't handle but I'm wondering why I haven't felt better after 2 days. Maybe she's laying on a nerve or something.

Yesterday, I let my physical emotions take me away from Emily's birthday party. I worked till almost 10:30 and felt too worn out and gross to go to her party so I stayed home. Even after Carla showed up at my house to get me. I really am starting to loathe this part of the pregnancy. The part I'm referring to is the lose of energy. I can't get anything done. I just want to sleep allll the time. It takes me away from things that I love. Thats another reason why I worked less. All my saved energy goes to work and school instead of something I'd like to do. I am just feeling the sting of not having a life.