July 26, 2004 � The many stages of the Greek festival
Ahhh the many stages of the ever-Warren-famous Greek fest.

Kiddie Greek Fest: You see little kids, holding tight onto their parents hands, gazing at the thrilling lights. Their kicks come from the rides, the food, and the games. Classic carnival. I remember the Mitolo's took me for the first time when I was 8. My mom was in the hospital and I was spending the weekend with Jessica's family (as I often did as a kid. Hell! They always had an abundance of popsicles!)That is when Jessica made me go on the...::gulp:: the scrambler. I was timid at first. But I needed to prove myself. It was awesome! Afterwards, I made my dad take me to the Greek fest every night so I could ride the scrambler. It was my first real ride.

Middle School Greek fest: You're still interested in the rides and the games, but for different reasons. You dream of that special boy (for me, it was Mike Ambleotis) asking you to ride the ferris wheel and winning you that big stuffed animal. You no longer go with your parents...you go with your friends. Then you walk back to Jessica Murray or Sara Wilson's house and watch movies.

Highschool Greek fest: Ahhh the Greek fest in highschool. The ultimate social gathering. The rides and games no longer mean anything, and the new trend is to stand around the gyro section, waiting to mingle. You start to dress for sucess....sucess meaning getting hit on by a boy or two. Your friends start sneaking in booze in sprite and pepsi bottles and the fest becomes like a big party. A party with gyros and fried squid. You see people from all over your life, and afterwards, you yet again head to Sara Wilson's or her grandma's. Perhaps to swim or to talk about everyone you saw that night.

College Greek fest: Here's the present day Greek fest for me. You upgrade from standing around the gyro stands to standing around in the beer tent. For me, I got my dad to babysit and dawned my shortest skirt and tightest shirt to show off my "Can you believe I had a baby 2 months ago?" bod. Me, Anne, Emily and Kristen strutted out stuff into the tent and the most random people were there. Ryan Jewel, Bill Dryer, Jesse McKowan, ect ect. But randomness can be fun. I got a little tipsy, got to see a lot of people I haven't seen for a while, got to re-activate my flirting skills, and got a few boosts to my ego from a members of the male species. It was probably the best time I've had since I had Marci. And boy did I need it. But, its funny. The age classes still stand out very strongly when you go to Warren's premiere place to be. I actually almost hit on some 15 year old boy. (I'm aloud to look but not touch, right?) The stages should never mix. And I could see my Greek fest future. Bringing the kids, then taking them home and coming back with my husband and wearing a sweater tied around my shoulders. Ahh yes.