August 14, 2004 � Dip it low, kisses on the nose
Do you ever have to go to the bathroom but you just don't feel like getting up?

Yeah thats me right now.

But, obviously, I will evidentually.

Hold on.

I'll be back.

Ahhhh ok.

So, while I was in the bathroom, I saw the gigantic spider that bit Jamie 11 times. He has 11 really nasty looking spider bites on his back. And we know its this spider, b/c we see him all the time. So he's the culprit! I'm wondering why the spider never bit me. I think its because he heard me telling Jamie "Don't kill him. He doesn't deserve to die", right after Jamie's failed attempts to kill him. So I think I'm in with the spider clan right now.

So Mer's here and we're having a lovely time. Granted most of it is spent in the apartment, but she was well informed of the situation before she came. Luckily, Marci has retired her "Nazi baby" impressonation (spelling?) for now and instead has taken up "Cutest baby in the whole WORLD" persona. Which makes her mommy VERY happy. It's funny how that works. My mood is so influenced by her mood.

But anyway.......

Mer and I have been doing some fun things. They are simple things, but with her, you can make anything fun. We got all dressed up and went out for sushi last night. And let me tell you, our attempts to look ravishing paid off because we recieved compliments from a few gentlemen (although I don't know if you'd consider the "I'd like to take those two back in the kitchen and show them some meat" guy a gentlemen). Tonight we're going dancing. I'm uber excited. I haven't been dancing since CANADA! Almost a YEAR!

Well, that is the extent of my writings for this day.