October 14, 2004 � The week before and the week ahead
It feels like a lot longer then 7 days since I've updated. Maybe its because NO ONE UPDATES ANYMORE!


Accept, for of course Theresa...she's an inspiration to us all...

Jamie and I are doing so well. We've really been working at making us better. I think I just need to realize that marriage isn't always easy. Dr.Phil said the secret to a happy marriage is not fall out of love at the same time. I completly agree. I'm not gonna let my heart come so close to giving up again. Also, I've eliminated my poisonus influences. Meaning, I deleted Patrick from my cell phone. I just think that if I talk to him, its just going to pollute me and Jamie, seeing as how when I talk to Patrick, my feelings come to the surface. Thats not good. So that was a big step on my part to delete him. Y'all should be proud.

Other than that...things have been....ok. I've realized that I am becoming another Katie Roberts or Lindsey Brodell in my group of friends. No one thinks about me anymore or what I'm doing or if maybe I'd like to hang out. They all just "figure" I can't because I have a baby. Hello! My husban doesn't have a job. Thats a 24 hr babysitter. But oh well. I have people who care to see me. I think I need to focus on what I have instead of mourning what I lost all the time. It's just sad, because I didn't think I'd fade out so easily.

Well, I really REALLY need to get cleaning. Seeing Ashley, Nicole and my CASEY THIS WEEKEND!!!!!!!! Not to mention Jasmine...but when don't I see Jasmine?