January 18, 2005 � AN UPDATE FINALLY!
Sorry its been a hella long time since I've written.

Nothing really extrordinary has happened.

I'm just getting over the stomach flu. So, picture this; You and your husband are taking turns puking in the bathroom over and over for hours. Your lips are slimey, your body aches, and your stomach is doing flips. To make matters worse, your baby has it too and won't stop crying unless you are walking her around. Does that sound terrible enough? Believe me...it was one of the worst couple days of my life. If my sister Maria hadn't come over to help us with the baby, I don't know what I would have done. I felt very incapable of being a mother. That is a horrible feeling. Worse then the nausea.

My house is in shambles but I can't find enough time to red it up. I just spent 3 whole hours making it spotless last week and it stayed that way until the stomach demon hit. Then, it was hard to get enough energy to move let alone clean. But my dad didn't hesitate to point out the fact that it was messy when he came over to bring us food. "You just need to get in the habit, Kate!" Yeah Dad...you try to pick up new habits when you're barfing up stomach lining.

Work really sucks lately. They are being really unsupportive with my schedule due to Jamie's new job. It's like they are mad that I can't work whenever they want anymore. I mean hey, Jamie NEEDs to work and I don't have a plethera of reliable babysitters. For 6.75 an hour, I am not compromising my baby's happiness. SO I'm on the lookout for a new job. Hopefully out of the restaurant industry, but depending on if Damon's getting any worse, I might have to take what I can get.

So, I was feeling nostalgic today and went through my memory box where I found every email Patrick ever wrote me and every letter. I have to say that I still have a soft spot in my heart for that boy. I know this will upset Jamie, but I still think about him almost every day. This is why I have chosen never to speak to him again. Because whenever I do, it conflicts with mine and Jamie's relationship and I'm much happier just loving Jamie. It's a lot easier. I wish I could just take a pill that would make me not care for Patrick anymore. Not be phased by his emails or little things that remind me of him. He's GONE, Katie. You have someone new...someone better...someone HERE. Fuck Patrick, right?

Speaking of me and Jamie, we are doing so well. Sometimes I can tell how well we are doing by how his skin feels. If it's too hot or to slimey (yes, slimey), then I don't want to cuddle him so therefore I don't feel as close to him. But if its the perfect temperature, a nice cool temperature, then all I want to do is hold him and cuddle on him really close. And its been like that for a couple months. No more of this "on again off again" warmth with us...it's on all the time and I miss him all the time.

Well, my baby just fell off my lap and hit her head on the keyboard, so I better go.