April 23, 2005 � All I care about is myself, sex and the couch
I'm on a big indie music kick. Most of what I've been downloading has been The Postal Service, Dogs Die in Hot Cars, and my personal favorite; Death cab for Cutie. But now I'm listening to Third Eye Blind for something a little more familiar.

My child is talking gibberish to the tv. Oh and now she's coughing.

So, I don't know why I go so long without updating. Well, actually, I tried to update a few days ago but then Jamie kicked me off the computer b/4 I could finish. ASS!

Really nothing has been going on though. I've been talking to some voices from my past ; aka Dave from New York. Thats been interesting. I think I might meet up with him when I go there in June. How crazy will that be? I haven't seen him for four years....he better still be as hott as he was 4 years ago. We'll see.

So the only thing that has happened in 9 days is actually pretty interesting. Well, for me that is. Alright so heres how it went down. We have a new hostess and her name is Amy. She's really sweet and docile and whatnot. So me and my D-Cru (my ultra cool name for my Damons friends)are going to Woodys and we decide to call and invite Amy and she'll meet us there. Well, when she got there she was already wasted and only got even more so as the night went on. The night was pretty fun. Frank taught me how to play pool...me and Joseph are making eachother laugh...Jasmine is conversing...you know, an all out good time. So then there is this server, Ashley, who to be honest I don't particularly like..and neither does Amy. So Amy is talking to Frank probably about 2 feet away from Ashley and dropping f-bombs followed by Ashley's name over and over. So Ashley is like "Amy, why you talkin' shit?" so Amy gets up and PUNCHES her right in the face! And then she just starts wailing on her! So we're all trying to hold Amy back and they are trying to hold Ashley back, and there is beer spilled all over my pants and the owner tells us we have to get Amy outta there. So Jasmine and I literally drag this once-thought sweet docile girl out of the bar and she keeps trying to go back in. So Jasmine gets fed up and is like "Fine! I'm done!" and starts walking to her car across the street. So I'm holding this girl back by myself, screaming to Jasmine to come back and then this guy comes up and starts hitting on me. Its like this:

"JASMINE! YOU HAVE TO COME BACK!" "Hey where ya from?" "Warren...JASMINE PLEASE! WE CAN'T JUST LEAVE HER!" "Warren really? What school did you go to?" "Kennedy...AMY! STAY WITH ME! GET AWAY FROM THE DOOR!" "Oh do you know Josh Cayson?" "Yeah....AMY! COME HERE RIGHT NOW! GET IN THE CAR!" "Oh I went to Girard. I just graduated from YSU with a degree in physical education. I'm not sure what I want to do with it though." "Thats great...JASMINE I GOT HER! JUST COME OVER HERE AND WE'LL GO!WE CAN"T LEAVE HER! SHIT! SHE WENT BACK IN! Oh FORGET IT! Lets just go" "Well it was nice meeting you!" "Yeah you too" ::slam::

Yeah.....some people are so stupid. Anyway, now Amy is banned from Woodys for good and I feel really bad for her really. She came into work yesterday to apoligize to me and Jasmine and she just really made an impression on everyone. They put up in the back this big sign that said "Woodys Fight Night rematch!". I just hope people don't hold it against her.

Well, thats about it. I have to go take care of my child.